Middle Managers & Strengths Based Leadership

How Strengths-based leadership helped a Senior Manager in a large-scale manufacturing company reduce employee turnover and increase productivity?

The Problem: Sanket is Senior manager of a large-scale manufacturing company. He had been with the company for many years, and he is a good leader. However, he was starting to see some problems with his team. Employee turnover and team productivity was not as per his expectations.Sanket knew that something needed to change. He didn’t want to lose good employees, and he wanted his team to be more productive.

The Solution: Sanket was nominated by the HR team for Strengths-Based Leadership program. As a part of the process, he attended workshops, one to one coaching sessions, read some books and articles on the topic. As he learned more about strengths-based leadership, he realized that it could be the solution to his problems. Strengths-based leadership is a leadership style that focuses on identifying and developing employees’ strengths. It’s based on the idea that everyone has unique strengths that can be used to their advantage. He decided to take the intervention to the next level and implement strengths-based leadership in his team. He requested HR team to organise similar program for this team. The process helped team members identify their top five strengths.

Once he knew each team member’s strengths, he started to delegate tasks in a way that played to their strengths. He also created opportunities for team members to collaborate on projects, tasks that were a good fit for their strengths and identified areas in which they would need support.

The Results: The results were dramatic. He was able to create an environment of openness, team members understood each other like never before, and also realised that people with different strengths can contribute together significantly. This led to reduction in the employee turnover, increase in the productivity. Team members were more engaged and motivated. They were also more productive because they were able to use their strengths to their advantage.

Sanket was thrilled with the results. He knew that strengths-based leadership had made a real difference in his team.

If you’re a manager who wants to create an impact and increase productivity, we encourage you to learn more about strengths-based leadership. It’s a powerful tool that can help you create a more effective and productive team.

Let’s connect and we’ll show you how to:

🚀 Identify your team’s strengths

🚀 Leverage team dynamics in a way that capitalizes on those strengths

🚀 Create opportunities for team members to collaborate

🚀 Improve communication and engagement