Research and Insights
Jan 27, 2021  |  Times of India
Fixing weakness or leveraging Strengths! What is your organization development approach?

Almost all organizations adopt a weakness-improvement-based approach to improve the performance of their employees; sometimes to motivate them. This is the traditional approach that is tried and tested. Since it is tried and tested, it definitely offers some advantages. First, it allows employees to work on their improvement areas and convert them into their strengths.strengthsmasters
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Jun 22, 2020  |  Linkedin
My strengths are 'Achiever, Analytical, Connectedness, Relator, Individualisation'​. What are yours?

An overwhelming question, but many of you might have to face it or faced it already at one or more points of your life. As a student, you want to know your strengths to shape the roadmap to your academic success. As a job seeker, your interviewer or later your manager may ask you this or as a team leader you want to know the strengths of your team. A pertinent question, it may arise at various times especially during a downturn, when you wish to bounce back.
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May 22, 2020  |  Linkedin
When times lock you down, unlock the Strengths within

The current realities of lockdown, quarantine, and social distancing and of course COVID 2019 are definitely intimidating and challenging. However, many are taking this as an opportunity to retrospect, take on and fix what is wrong with us. But, here is another perspective.
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